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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.307
When posting messages to a large newsgroup there are several things you
can do to help readers cope with the volume. First and foremost is to
use the right newsgroup, and avoid cross-posting. If your posting is an
original piece of work which can stand on its own without comments by
other people, such as a story or poem based on a roleplaying game, a
scenario, campaign background, or the like, then post it to
rec.games.frp.archives, the newsgroup for "keepers." If your posting is
an announcement about a new roleplaying product, a roleplaying
convention, a pbem, and so on, post it to rec.games.frp.announce. If
your posting concerns official rules or official game backgrounds for
D&D, AD&D1, AD&D2, or BD&D, then post it to rec.games.frp.dnd. If you
are posting to buy or sell roleplaying materials, post to
rec.games.frp.marketplace. If your posting is intended to convince
people that one roleplaying game is better than some or all other
roleplaying games, or other inflammatory opinions, then post it to
rec.games.frp.advocacy. Finally, if your post doesn't fit into any of
the above niches, as is the case with a large plurality of postings,
then send it to rec.games.frp.misc.
Rec.games.frp is a defunct newsgroup, please post new threads on other
newsgroups instead.
Second, no matter what newsgroup you post to, please use descriptive
titles. Whenever you post an article which is specific to a particular
game system, please include the name of the system in the Subject of
your post. Subjects like: "Combat initiative in AD&D" or "Champions
Character: Nightstorm" are much more informative than "Combat" or
"Character: Nightstorm".
If you're posting a story, you are urged to include the word STORY in
the subject, and to use a consistent title for your work. If you post
an article related to Tabolport Net City project, please include the
word TABOLPORT in the subject so that the appropriate persons will see
Here is a short list of keywords which you may want to include in
the subject lines of your postings to rec.games.frp.*
META: for meta-discussion about the newsgroup, like this thread
LARP: Discussion of "Live Action Role Playing"
PBEM: announcement concerning a play by e-mail roleplaying campaign
FORSALE: games for sale announcements
WANTED: games wanted announcements
CON: convention announcements and discussion
STORY: stories
FLUFF: non-story, non-game, anecdotes, like the bard songs, silly
knight names, and other basically humorous offerings.
When offering character classes, skill lists, magic spells, monsters,
character sheets, and the like, the name of the game system (or its
abbreviation) is appropriate for the subject line.
I (early in my Net.career) solicited the net for suggestions, yielding an
extremely comprehensive list of games and likely abbreviations for them,
of which I have extracted the following. If you must abbreviate the name
of the game, try to choose an abbreviation from this list.
Abbreviation System Name
AD&D Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, either edition
AD&D1 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, First Edition
AD&D2 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, Second Edition
Ars Ars Magica
Btech,btek Battletech
C&S Chivalry and Sorcery
CHAMPS Champions
CoC Call of Cthulu
CP2020 Cyberpunk or Cyberpunk 2020
D&D Dungeons and Dragons
FH Fantasy Hero
GBI Ghostbusters International
HERO The Hero System (Champions, Fantasy Hero, Star Hero, etc)
MEK2 Mekton 2
MERP Middle Earth Role Playing
MSH Marvel Super Heroes
Mtrav MegaTraveller
PAL Palladium
RM Rolemaster
RQ RuneQuest
SFB Star Fleet Battles
SRUN,SR Shadowrun
TFOS Teenagers from Outer Space
TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and other Strangeness
TRAV Traveller
TREK Star Trek, the Role Playing Game
T2000 Twilight 2000
V&V Villains and Vigilantes
WFRP WarHammer Fantasy Role Playing
As always, be sure to choose the proper distribution for your
articles. Most discussion deserves "world" distribution, but posters
of convention announcements might want to consider regional or even
local distribution. Posters seeking gaming groups to join should
limit the distribution to the area they're willing to travel. Postings of
the latter two are urged to utilize rec.games.frp.announce, geographic
distribution is limited by that groups Moderator.
Some topics have a way of turning into enormous arguments which
feed on themselves and take over the newsgroup for long periods of
Probably the most frequent arguments come from comparison and criticism
of different game systems. That's why they have their own newsgroup,
rec.games.frp.advocacy. While discussion along these lines can be
productive, flames and put-downs are not. Try to remember that people
who play a particular system probably like that system; if a friendly
recommendation won't get them to switch to something different, personal
attacks and insults certainly won't work. At the same time, people
should remember that criticism of their favorite game doesn't constitute
an attack on themselves.
Several truisms invariably come up during arguments about game systems:
1. "The game system doesn't matter as long as you've got a good GM."
2. "Preference of one system over another is largely a matter of taste."
3. "The reason for playing these games is to have *fun*, and whatever
game you enjoy is the one that's right for you."
Few would disagree with the above statements--but if you post, don't
just repeat the obvious. Granted that you like one game better than
another, try to explain *why*. Other people may not agree with your
preference, but at least they'll be able to learn something about the
games you're discussing.
A second occasional point of dispute concerns whether Society for
Creative Anachronism dueling provides valid data for the purpose of
reality-checking combat systems. The prospect of a bunch of people who
play games with pencil and paper arguing over the realism of SCA
tourneys is ironic, to say the least. All that can be hoped for is that
participants in any such discussion will follow the rules of courtesy
established by the Society. (In-depth discussion of SCA-related issues
should be directed to rec.org.sca.)
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu rec.games.frp.announce:297 news.answers:4696
Newsgroups: rec.games.frp.announce,news.answers
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!news.media.mit.edu!micro-heart-of-gold.mit.edu!uw-beaver!cs.ubc.ca!destroyer!caen!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!cwatters
From: rg-frp-announce@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Subject: [rec.games.frp.*] Frequently asked questions Part 1
Message-ID: <1992Dec18.180405.6570@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>
Followup-To: rec.games.frp.misc
Originator: cwatters@top.magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Keywords: READ ME!, roleplaying games, splitting, accusations of satanism, administrivia
Sender: news@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Nntp-Posting-Host: top.magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Reply-To: cwatters@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Organization: The Ohio State University
References: <1992Dec18.175405.6503@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1992 18:04:05 GMT
Approved: cwatters@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Lines: 523
Archive-name: games.roleplay/part2
Last-Modified: 10/7/92
* Asterisks denote new/updated items. *
* Please also see the DND FAQ on rec.games.frp.dnd, the Shadowrun FAQ, and
the GURPS FAQ on .misc.
This posting contains some of the most common questions that get posted
in the roleplaying discussion groups, at least those which have stock
answers and which aren't answered by the regular postings on
Questions Answered:
1: What are the rec.games.frp.* newsgroups for? What are their charters?
2: How do I get hold of a copy of the Net.<whatever>.Book?
3: What is the address for the <whatever> mailing list?
4: How do I access the <whoever> Games BBS?
5: Are there any clubs for roleplayers besides the one run by TSR, Inc?
6: Does anybody know what E. Gary Gygax is doing these days?
7: Does anybody know what Steve Perrin/Luise Perenne/Chaosium are doing
these days?
8: What is Fluff?
9: What is this rec.games.rpg newsgroup I keep seeing mentioned?
10: What's a Cthulhu?
11: I want to sell some of my old game stuff. How should I go about it?
12: What is Munchkinism? What does the Wizard of Oz have to do with
roleplaying games?
13: I've run out of adventure ideas for my game. Does anybody have ideas
for new plots?
14: What game magazines are out there?
15: I've heard of the Arduin Grimoire but am unable to find it. Where is it?
16: What is MONTY HAUL?*
17: I want a group dedicated to my favorite game, how do I do it?*
* - new or updated items
1: What are the rec.games.frp.* newsgroups for? What are their charters?
NAME: rec.games.frp.advocacy
CHARTER: Frequently discussion on rec.games.frp amounts to vigorously
overstated disagreement about the quality or lack thereof of
a particular game system or game company. This unmoderated
discussion newsgroup will give readers of the rec.games.frp
hierarchy an outlet for such material. This newsgroup would
be expected to hold such lines of discussion as: Champions
versus GURPS; AD&Dv1 versus AD&Dv2; AD&D stinks; class
systems versus skill based systems; game critiques wanted;
mine are bigger than yours; and so on.
NAME: rec.games.frp.announce (Moderated)
MODERATOR: Coyt Watters <rg-frp-announce@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>
backup by Joshua Levy <joshua@veritas.com>
CHARTER: This group is intended for all announcements relating to
roleplaying games. This may include, but is not limited to,
game release announcements, pbem announcements, convention
announcements, and any other events. Discussion of material
in this newsgroup should be done in the appropriate
roleplaying discussion group. Please direct followup lines as
NAME: rec.games.frp.archives (Moderated)
MODERATOR: Mitch Gold <frp-archives@rpi.edu>
backup by Steve Mansfield <smm@uunet.uu.net>
CHARTER: This newsgroup will serve as a temporary archive for postings
that should be archived on one of the anonymous ftp or
mail-server sites, and which do not belong in one of the
other roleplaying newsgroups. Therefore only finished work
such as net.books, campaign background, convention modules,
the tabolport project, fiction, poetry, compilations, and so
on should be posted here. This newsgroup is not for
discussion purposes, and discussion of anything in this
newsgroup should take place in the appropriate roleplaying
discussion group. Please direct followup lines appropriately.
NAME: rec.games.frp.dnd
CHARTER: This unmoderated discussion newsgroup is for discussion of
the official rules and settings of the D&D family of
roleplaying games, produced by TSR, Inc., including
Collector's Edition Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), Basic D&D,
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (AD&D), and AD&D Second
Edition. This proposed newsgroup would include discussion of
TSR's rules and products and compatible products, such as:
character classes; character races; monsters; magic spells;
weapons; Greyhawk; the Forgotten Realms; the Known World;
Dark Sun; Spelljammer; RavenLoft; Hollow World; City State of
the Invincible Overlord; and so on. Crossposting between this
group and other groups in the rec.games.frp hierarchy is
discouraged, however issues of general interest that happen
to involve a D&D rulebook or setting are more than welcome.
NAME: rec.games.frp.marketplace
CHARTER: This unmoderated newsgroup is intended to hold For Sale and
Wanted postings for roleplaying game materials.
NAME: rec.games.frp.misc
CHARTER: This is a discussion group for all aspects of roleplaying
games which are not subsumed within another rec.games.frp.*
newsgroup. It fully replaces rec.games.frp within the
roleplaying newsgroup hierarchy. The acronym "frp" refers to
Fantasy Role-Playing, but this does not mean that the scope
of the group is restricted to pseudo medieval settings where
magic is common and powerful. The common misuse of the word
"fantasy" comes from the marketing distinction between the
literary genres of science fiction and fantasy. Fantasy
actually means anything that is set in a time or place that
is **in some essential way** unlike our own. Science Fiction
fits this definition of fantasy, as do other genres including
Horror, Tolkeinesque High Fantasy, and Westerns. Lines of
discussion in this newsgroup can be expected to include,
among other topics: roleplaying advice; gamemastering advice;
reviews of roleplaying products; scenario ideas; rules;
errata; gaming anecdotes; and many peripherally connected
subjects. Crossposting between this group and other
roleplaying discussion groups is to be discouraged.
2: How do I get hold of a copy of the Net.<whatever>.Book?
A: First off, thanks for reading the administrative articles before
posting. One of the administrative articles is entitled
"Net.*.Books" and contains details of how to get at the Net
Books, suprisingly enough. Please check in there before posting a
request to rec.games.frp.misc.
3: What is the address for the <whatever> mailing list?
A: Once again you'll find the answer in another of the
administrative articles, in this case the two part "FRP Mailing
Lists and Digests" posting. If the answer isn't in there, go
ahead and ask the net at large - if you get results, please let
us know so we can update the postings.
4: How do I access the <whoever> Games BBS?
A: First off, look in the "BBS's of interest to gamers" posting,
where a number of games companies' BBS's are listed.
5: Are there any clubs for roleplayers besides the one run by TSR, Inc?
A: Yes. There are several. The National Association for the
Advancement of Role Playing (NAARP) is nominally an association
for the USA only, but accepts members from other countries.
CARpg, which is associated with the NAARP, is the Committee for
the Advancement of Roleplaying games, and is a strong pro-gaming
voice in the fight against BADD and other groups that think that
roleplaying is evil. The following is some info for the NAARP.
The National Association for the Advancement of Role-Playing, Inc
is a national non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the
hobby of role-playing. NAARP provides its members with an annual
membership directory, so game players can contact each other.
NAARP publishes a quarterly newsletter featuring information on
upcoming releases from the industry, and news about conventions.
NAARP is also dedicated to educating the public about the hobby
through tournaments and public discussions.
If you'd like a membership form and more information, send an
P.O.Box 2752
Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2752
or if you have specific questions E-Mail to
USENET chatham!rcarden@duke.cs.duke.edu
WWIV Net 94@9955
6: Does anybody know what E. Gary Gygax is doing these days?
A: As of May 17, 1992 EGG has completed a multi-genre fantasy
roleplaying game for Game Designer's Workshop to be called
Dangerous Dimensions. June 5: The name was changed to Dangerous
Journeys, rumors were that TSR had some problems with the "D&D"
abbreviation. It has been released and is now on the market.
7: Does anybody know what Steve Perrin/Luise Perenne/Chaosium are doing
these days?
A: Gossip follows:
Call of Cthulhu is still their best selling game. Avalon Hill has
a new editor for RuneQuest, Ken Rolston, who is planning on
publishing several *quality* supplements in 1992.
As of summer '91, Chaosium saw a reorg in its management
structure. The nomenclature now conforms to present day business
conventions. Lynn Willis is now CEO of the company, with Greg
Stafford stepping back as President, now working under the title
of Chief of Design. Charlie Krank is now manager of marketing
and sales.
Yes, the two are man and wife, but still, her name is Perenne.
Steve Perrin left Chaosium after the failure of SuperWorld to be
able to work for different companies on a free-lance basis. He's
done some stuff for TSR (Such as the Lankhmar products), and you
may find his name on products from other companies. He's also
rumored to have done some teevee writing (kidvid), and now to be
working in the computer game industry. He may have done work for
Spectrum Holobyte. He is still involved with gaming (though his
company contract prohibited him from doing any professional work
in it) and is part of the con committee for DunDraCon every year.
Ran into Steve and Luis Perrin at the Oak, Ash, and Thorn concert
at Freight and Salvage a few weeks ago. They're old friends of
my wife from her early SCA days. If I remember right, Steve said
he was writing material for a computer games company and Luis was
doing some sort of commercial art. But I may not have that right
in detail...
Well, when I'm in the SF Bay Area, I game with Steve Perrin and
his "friday night gaming crew". They mostly play Champions; the
group is pretty much "all GM's" at this point, so they rotate
Game Mastering every couple of weeks. About half the DunDraCon
committee is in the gaming group, I'd estimate.
scoops are from:
henkl@Holland.Sun.COM (Henk Langeveld)
Wayne.Shaw@f315.n103.z1.fidonet.org (Wayne Shaw)
Nicolai.Shapero@f524.n102.z1.fidonet.org (Nicolai Shapero)
Ed Allen allen@enzyme.berkeley.edu
Donald Tsang tsang@june.cs.washington.edu
8: What is Fluff?
A: Fluff is the polite net.word for stories based on roleplaying
campaigns. Net roleplayers are violently divided on the quality
and utility of stories on the network. If you post your stories
to rec.games.frp.misc please put STORY: at the beginning of the
subject line so that those who hate fluff can avoid it and those
who love it can find it, and use a consistent title so that those
who like or dislike your stories can identify them quickly.
9: What is this rec.games.rpg newsgroup I keep seeing mentioned?
A: rec.games.rpg is a defunct newsgroup that was created (amongst
some controversy) a few years ago and then promptly deleted from
most of the news sites in the world. However, some sites still
carry it. It only propagates to 20% or so of the net.world. If
you want to discuss roleplaying games but are not interested in
the "fantasy" genre your best bet is to participate on
rec.games.frp.misc instead of trying to use rec.games.rpg, which
reaches only a fraction of the readership of the official groups.
10: What's a Cthulhu?
A: H.P.Lovecraft wrote a number of scary science fiction stories
in the early twentieth century. These stories, along with others
written in conscious imitation of Lovecraft by like minded
writers, have come to be known as the "Cthulhu Mythos" of
stories after Cthulhu, who is an awful, terrible being from the
stars who sleeps in his temple in a sunken island much like
Atlantis in the seas of the Earth.
11: I want to sell some of my old game stuff. How should I go about it?
A11: Post to rec.games.frp.marketplace. There are several things that
you should do if you are selling items through news: (1)
describe each item you have for sale, including complete,
accurate name and publication information (2) if you have firm
prices or minimum bids for items, put them in your posting. (3)
supply a valid internet return address.
12: What is Munchkinism? What does the Wizard of Oz have to do with
roleplaying games?
A12: Munchkinism is similar to "Monty Haul" gaming; however it involves
playing at incredible power levels purely for the sake of
watching the terrain get blown away by player characters who
are unstoppable. Munchkinism also involves "rules rape," wherein
players milk every advantage out of the rules. Often a munchkin
will carry a favorite character from game to game, usually with
the maximum allowable ability scores, skill ratings, etc - and
enough hardware/magic to destroy the planet four times over.
13: I've run out of adventure ideas for my game. Does anybody have ideas
for new plots?
A13: There are only so many times you can use the same plot pattern
before it grows tiresome. So use different plot patterns.
This is condensed from Georges Polti's _The 36 Dramatic Plots_.
Each short plot description starts with the title of the plot
pattern. After a hyphen the main characters to be found in the
plot are given, separated by commas.
Supplication - Persecutor, Suppliant, a Power in Authority
Deliverance - Unfortunates, Threatener, Rescuer
Revenge - Avenger, Criminal
Vengeance by Family upon Family - Avenging Kinsman, Guilty
Kinsman, Relative
Pursuit - Fugitive from Punishment, Pursuer
Victim of Cruelty or Misfortune - Unfortunates, Master or Unlucky
Disaster - Vanquished Power, Victorious Power or Messenger
Revolt - Tyrant, Conspirator(s)
Daring Enterprise - Bold Leader, Goal, Adversary
Abduction - Abductor, Abducted, Guardian
Enigma - Interrogator, Seeker, Problem
Obtaining - Two or more Opposing Parties, Object, maybe an
Familial Hatred - Two Family Members who hate each other
Familial Rivalry - Preferred Kinsman, Rejected Kinsman, Object
Murderous Adultery - Two Adulterers, the Betrayed
Madness - Madman, Victim
Fatal Imprudence - Imprudent person, Victim or lost object
Involuntary Crimes of Love - Lover, Beloved, Revealer
Kinsman Kills Unrecognized Kinsman - Killer, Unrecognized Victim,
Self Sacrifice for an Ideal - Hero, Ideal, Person or Thing
Self Sacrifice for Kindred - Hero, Kinsman, Person or Thing
All Sacrificed for Passion - Lover, Object of Passion, Person or
Thing Sacrificed
Sacrifice of Loved Ones - Hero, Beloved Victim, Need for
Rivalry Between Superior and Inferior - Superior, Inferior,
Adultery - Deceived Spouse, Two Adulterers
Crimes of Love - Lover, Beloved, theme of Dissolution
Discovery of Dishonor of a Loved One - Discoverer, Guilty One
Obstacles to Love - Two Lovers, Obstacle
An Enemy Loved - Beloved Enemy, Lover, Hater
Ambition - An Ambitious Person, Coveted Thing, Adversary
Conflict with a God - Mortal, Immortal
Mistaken Jealousy - Jealous One, Object of Jealousy, Supposed
Accomplice, Author of Mistake
Faulty Judgement - Mistaken One, Victim of Mistake, Author of
Mistake, Guilty Person
Remorse - Culprit, Victim, Interrogator
Recovery of a Lost One - Seeker, One Found
Loss of Loved Ones - Kinsman Slain, Kinsman Witness, Executioner
14: What game magazines are out there?
A14: Here is a limited list. I know there are more, but these are all
available at the addresses given.
White Wolf Magazine
4153 Indian Manor Drive
Stone Mountain, GA 30083
Bi-monthly, $25/yr US, $40/yr Canada, $52/yr Overseas
404/292-1819; FAX: 404/292-9426
Alarums and Excursions
Attn: Lee Gold
2965 Alla Road
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Monthly, Postage + $1.50 per issue
Polyhedron Newszine
RPGA Network Headquarters
POB 515
Lake Geneva, WI 53147
Silver Griffin
Attn: Devlin Janax
POB 1751
Saint Paul, MN 55101
The Gamer
127 N. Madison St, Suite 202
Pasadena, CA 91101
Bi-monthly, $15/yr; $25/yr Canada or Mexico; $40/yr elsewhere
Dragon (US)
POB 756
Lake Geneva, WI 53147
Monthly, $30/yr; $50/yr anywhere other than US, Canada, or Europe
Ph: 414/248-3625; Fax: 414/248-0389
Dragon (Europe)
120 Church End, Cherry Hinton,
Cambridge CB1 3LB, United Kingdom
Monthly, 16 pounds/yr UK, 24 pounds/yr Non-UK Europe
Ph: (0223) 212517
The Unspeakable Oath
Pagan Publishing
1409 Wilson Ave.
Columbia, MO 65201
Quarterly, $4 per issue
Inet: C521832@umcvmb.missouri.edu
Tales of the Reaching Moon: THE RuneQuest(tm) Magazine/Fanzine
Quarterly, price varies by country
UK: David Hall, 21 Stephenson Court, Osborne St, Slough,
Berkshire, SL1 1TN, #1.75 per issue, or #5 for three
Au: Michael O'Brien, 2/33 Carween Ave., Mitcham 3132, Victoria
$5 (AU) per issue
US & Canada: David Gadbois, PO Box 49475, Austin, TX 78765, USA,
gadbois@cs.utexas.edu, $3 (US) per issue
Germany: Dr. Lutz Reimers-Rawcliffe, Theodor-Heuss-Ring 1,
D-5000 Koln 1
Norway: Lars-Roger Moe, Hans Hagerupsgt. 1, 7012, Trondheim
Sweden: Jussi Hyvonen, Henniksdalsringen 65, S-131 32, Nacka
Finland: Lauri Tudeer, Fantasiapelit Tudeer Oy, Laulurastaantie 1,
01450 Vantaa
Vortext Publishing
5506 Beaudry St #C
EmeryVille CA 94608 USA
Quarterly, US$2.75 per issue, $10 subs. ( 4 issues )
Ragnarok Enterprises
POB 140333,
Austin TX 78714 USA
Quarterly(?), US$2 per iss, $10/6, $18/12, $25/18 iss
Ph: 1-(512)-472-6535
Dungeon Adventures
TSR, Inc.
POB 5695
Boston MA 02206
Bimonthly, US$3.75 per iss, $18/yr subs
R. Talsorian Games
P.O.Box 7356
Berkeley, CA 94707
One year subscription is $16 USA in USA and Canada, $26 elsewhere.
The Eternal Soldier Newsletter
Tom Harris
1837 Paddington
Naperville, IL 60563
Internet: zonker@ihlpf.att.com
The Eternal Soldier Newsletter is a Twilight 2000 /Merc 2000 based
amateur newsletter published with the help of GDW. The editor Tom
Harris has a net address and will accept submissions for publication
via e-mail Articles regarding Dark Conspiracy and Cadillacs and
Dinosaurs will be accepted as well. S-mail address is 1837
Paddington, Naperville, IL 60563.
Space Gamer
P.O. Box 11424
Burbank, CA 91510-1424
(818) 845-4201
15: I've heard of the Arduin Grimoire but am unable to find it. Where is it?